Wednesday, October 11, 2017

American DairyCo Hiring Heifer Replacement Program Coordinator

American DairyCo is in search of a young graduate with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Agriculture or a related field to work with and coordinate the company's heifer replacement program. 

The successful candidate would specifically work to coordinate data management of calves kept and raised for replacements in the herd. This would include maintaining genomic data as well as breeding data for all replacement heifers in the program in addition to the flow of heifers to and from American DairyCo to its growers.

The position would be based out the company's Jacksonville, Florida office. 

Candidates with a degree in Animal Sciences or Dairy Science would be preferred. 

For more information and to obtain a position description or apply, please contact:

Ed Silba
Director of Operations
American DairyCo
90 Fort Wade Road, Suite 175
Ponte Vedra, FL 32081-5102
O: 904.373.5778 x7002
M: 904-316-5436

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