Thursday, July 27, 2017

University of Georgia Hiring Agricultural & Natural Resources Extension Agent in Southwest Georgia

The University of Georgia is hiring an Agricultural & Natural Resources Extension Agent in Grady County, located in Southwest Georgia.

This position will be responsible for the management of the Agricultural and Natural Resources programming in Grady County by providing educational opportunities in production agriculture and natural resources to a wide variety of audiences utilizing a variety of teaching methods.

Other Responsibilities:
  • Utilizes the expertise of advisory groups, community leaders, public officials and representatives of intended audiences to analyze data, identify needs, and assist in developing educational programs
  • Develops a plan of work that is equitable in meeting the varied socio-economic needs of the county
  • Targets specific audiences for educational programs addressing critical issues identified in plan of work
  • Implements the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences� Civil Rights/Equal Opportunity plan
  • Develops and conducts relevant interdisciplinary programs with other staff members based on critical issues
  • Collaborates with other agencies and community groups to plan and implement programs
  • Conducts promotional efforts to expand the public�s view of extension programming
  • Utilizes current research data and information on emerging issues in program development and teaching
  • Demonstrates personal interest and involvement in community by participating in and supporting civic/community activities/organizations and networking with community leaders

Minimum Qualifications:
  • A Master�s degree in Crop & Soil Science, Plant Protection & Pest Management, General Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science, Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Agricultural Education or closely related area is preferred. 
    • A Bachelor's degree in an area above is acceptable. 
  • Ability to work as a team member and engage with groups and committees
  • Ability to design, coordinate, and teach educational programs to meet community needs
  • Ability to communicate as well as demonstrate skills in leadership and management

  • Minimum starting salary of $46,000 per year for applicant's with a Master�s Degree
  • Minimum starting salary of $34,500 per year for applicant's with a Bachelor�s Degree 
  • Benefits package and reimbursement for business travel provided

This position requires frequent night meetings, some weekend work, and attendance at out-of-county meetings. A valid driver�s license and a county vehicle for official duty travel is provided.

For more information and to apply, please follow this link

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