Monday, September 18, 2017

American Society of Animal Science Seeking Interns for Two Summer 2018 Positions

The American Society of Animal Science is accepting applications for its Summer 2018 Science Communications Internship and Science Policy Internship Programs.

ASAS Science Writing Internship:
  • Description: Eight-week internship program where student will work with the ASAS Scientific Communications Associate to write press releases, write and edit online and e-newsletter content, generate social media posts, produce webinars and video, and contribute content to the Jr. Animal Scientist magazine and the website. Interns will also travel, expenses paid, to Vancouver, Canada to report on the ASAS-CSAS annual meeting held July 8-12, 2018. 
  • Length: 8 weeks; begins in early June and concludes at the beginning of August 2018. Interns will be expected to work 40 hours per week.
  • Requirements: 
    • Applicants must be currently enrolled in a university program
    • Applicants must be willing to provide proof of health insurance
    • Applicants must have writing experience, and they should be comfortable writing about science for a non-scientific audience
  • Location: Champaign, Illinois. Interns will be responsible for travel expenses to Champaign and for finding housing in Champaign. 
  • Salary: $1,500 per month for two months 
  • Applications due: November 15, 2017 
  • Please submit a cover letter, resume with references, and two writing samples. Any questions or application materials should be sent to ASAS Scientific Communications Associate, Ms. Kim Schoonmaker, at
To see the full details of the internship and intern duties, click here.

ASAS Science Policy Summer Internship
  • Description: The main purpose of this internship is to provide experience for undergraduates or graduate students in legislative, regulatory, or administrative science policy activities in Washington, D.C. related to animal science or the production of animal-sourced foods
  • Length: 60-90 days during the academic summer session in 2018
  • Requirements: 
    • At the date of application, students must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program closely related to animal science (e.g., agricultural economics, agricultural business, food science/products, environment) in an accredited college or university in the United States
    • Experience with farm animals, equine or companion animals is preferred
    • Must be a US citizen
    • Preference will be given to students who are members of ASAS - information on ASAS membership is available at
  • Location: Washington D.C. - interns will be responsible for scheduling interviews and finding an office to complete their internship; ASAS science policy representatives will assist interns with placement
  • Salary: $3,500 (payable at the start of the internship)
  • Applications due: October 27, 2017 by 5PM (Pacific)
  • Please submit all application materials to ASAS Scientific Communications Associate, Ms. Kim Schoonmaker, at Complete applications must include:
    1. A one-page cover letter with a description of the applicant�s background, interest in the internship, and career goals
    2. A one-page statement of the applicant�s views on an issue relevant to animal agriculture -this will be used to evaluate the applicant�s knowledge of current issues and their written communication skills
    3. A curriculum vita/resume/biosketch
To see the full details of the internship and intern duties, click here.

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